Norwegian Embassy conducts its first joint Donor field visit
Following the project launch of EYE Universal SRHR project in Mayuge District in April ,targeting young people to ensure that those furthest behind have access to integrated SRHR information and services, the Norwegian Embassy conducted its first project joint donor field visit yesterday 5th July, 2023 to obtain insights on the extent of the project acceptance by the district and implementation status.

The district leadership engaged with the donors in the District council hall and thereafter , the donors and the consortium that included Care, Marie stopes , UNFPA, and Naguru Teenage information &health center plus a few district officials, went to Bwonda Town council where they had an engagement with Men and boys Model group whose objective is to promote development of gender equitable relationships between men, boys, women & girls at households & community level . This model seeks to challenge and change men’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours about gender.
CARE sees gender equality as a fundamental requirement for social justice and poverty reduction and has been developing a clearer understanding of how to challenge rigid social norms that perpetuate gender based violence and hamper gender equality, by engaging men and boys in a systematic empowerment process that helps mobilise them to understand and support concepts of positive masculinity and gender equality.

Still at Bwonda , we also had an interface with a group of young men and women embracing SRHR under the umbrella-my body, my life,my mind by Naguru Teenage information and health center, who are empowering young women and men to decide over their own bodies and ensure universal access & comprehensive adolescent friendly SRHR information and services. These youths presented the team with the some of the challenges encountered in accessing SRHR information and services and also discussed solutions and recommendations for the challenges faced in their community.
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